About Me

As a professional mortgage consultant with Complete Mortgage Services, I am passionate about helping my clients achieve their financing goals while maximizing their value. This means lower rates, the best terms and paying off your mortgage as fast as possible. I have the knowledge, expertise and relationships to ensure that you get the best mortgage product at the lowest possible rates

Monday, October 18, 2010

Selling Your Home Using The Right Pictures!

Have you ever been READY to really sit down and scroll through the hundreds of property listings on MLS?  You start your search, microscope in hand (well you feel like you should have one) and you come across a street or a building that you have always wanted to be in.  You start getting really excited to see the pictures of this dream home, and low and behold you see a blank image?  I think we have all been there, and how frustrating is it? Then you see it has been listed for 7 days already, and still nothing but words.

What homeowners don’t always think about is, without good pictures your home just becomes another address.  If a potential purchaser can’t even see what your house looks like, why would they even bother pursuing it?  Nine times out of ten they will click on to the next property.  Whether you have your home listed by an agent, or perhaps your trying lady luck yourself, great pictures showcasing your beautiful home is your first step in selling.  If people can’t see it, they are probably not going to bother looking at it!
I can’t stress enough how important pictures are!

You want to have a great shot of the exterior.  Curb appeal is very big, so your outside shot has to get people to your door.  On the inside of your home, you always want to zoom in  (so to speak) on the best attributes of your place.  If you have a chef’s dream of a kitchen, then make sure there are a couple angles of that.  The fireplace might be a one of a kind slate, or perhaps a custom Egyptian marble bathroom.  No one knows there home better than you!   These areas need to be captured.

Unique pictures are intriguing to people.  The quality of the shots are also extremely important.  What good is a blurry shot of your beautiful and expensive Brazilian hard wood? Perhaps you just spent a lot of money on designer paint throughout your home, and you want that shown in your listing.  Unfortunately the only camera your realtor has is an old cell phone that he keeps in his glove box.  That lovely terra cotta throughout your home now looks like a rusty orange.
Remember, in our minds we think that pictures don’t lie! 

We all want our homes to stand out from the rest.  In a way that people want to get in and see it for the uniqueness and beauty, not because they want to go and have a good laugh.  Then again if there are no pictures, I guess you just won’t be seeing anyone.

If your realtor doesn’t talk about coming in to do pictures, then talk to her/him about it.  If you don’t feel comfortable that they can showcase that magnificent home of yours, bring someone in that can.

Believe me, at the end of the day, the minor investment for a good photographer can put thousands more in your pocket when you sell**

For more information on how to get the "BEST" pictures for your home contact Samantha Zaharia at:

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